Monday, October 31, 2005

Mic safety

A news network in Arkansas is asking what should be the critical question in the aftermath of Rev. Kyle Lake's death. Which I wrote on here.

Gene Bosche said using a handheld microphone is not common in churches around Region 8, most of the churches he works with use a lapel or drop-down microphone. "For something like a baptistery where someone is going to be in the water either one would work properly the lapel microphone that's wireless is usually better."

Most of the pastors I spoke with said they use a wireless microphone with a transmitter safely inside the rubber waders worn during baptism. If the transmitter or the microphone do get wet, does that pose any danger to the pastor or to the person getting baptized? "The typical wireless microphone operates from a nine volt battery so there is absolutely no chance of electrocution," said Bosche.

The statement that using a wireless mic is a better choice, is not unfounded. The 9 volt battery that they are supplied with has much less chance of electrocutingting anyone. This is not to say that it is impossible, but it is unlikely that there would be enough emf (electromotive force) to cause any great injury to the heart. This is not to say that you would not feel it. You might. You may actually feel quite a bit. The ultimate problem may end up being the burn from a short circuited battery.

The next available option is a wired mic. This can take the configuration of several forms, but I will stick to the most common. A wired mic produces extremely low voltage, (0.001 v) and therefore does not have much emf in order to electrocutecute some one. I am not completely sure if shorting it may cause some mixers to bridge a connection and therefore send power down that line. I assume that hanging a mic that is connected in this fashionsion would be reasonable, and it is the method I use most often.

The last possibility is a mic that is connected to phantom power. This is not made up. This is a mixing board supplied +48v connection that runs down the mic line in order to supply power for some mics. It may be used or turned on for all or some channels on any mixer. (at our church I can turn off channels in groups of eight, and never run a baptismal mic on a line with phantom power) Not all mics require it although it does not negatively affect those that don't.

I rather suspect that the phantom power was indeed on in Kyle Lake's case.

An issue of grounding was raised in the article that I sourced at the top of the page. It is true that grounding may be an issue in sound systems. This is not to say that they are set up incorrectly. Sometimes it could be as simple as poor wiring on mic cables. It also could be caused by lifting the grounds. This is an act of disconnecting the ground from any particular equipment. Quite often on pro gear there is a switch supplied to accomplish this task.

Of course the obvious question is, Why would anyone disconnect the ground? The answer is a simple one. Buzzing. You know that annoying buzz you hear sometimes from sound systems? Sometimes loud, sometimes not? It is caused by what is called a ground loop. A ground that is connected not only to your sound system, but every other noise making item in the building. It causes noise, and most people are quite happy to be rid of it.

The simple answer is an independent ground for the sound system. Unfortunately this is not available in most churches and not all that simple to rectify. I for one am going to be looking into this solution at my home church.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Electric Tub

I have worked as a soundman in many capacities for many years. I started out with interest at a young age, learning a bit of how to do live recording's. (mainly of my dad's jr. high band) Later, for a while, I worked for a live sound company doing many tasks in a reasonably large format. Concerts in anything from bars, all the way to arenas. In the past number of years my efforts have been limited to church sound. Of course the most political of all.

In church sound there is one thing that has scared me more than any other one thing, in my sound career.

It is the baptismal.

Many have jeered at me throughout the years, when I express ultimate concern over the activity of sound re-enforcement at the waters. I have always been careful, and sometimes wondered to myself if maybe a bit too much so.

I am glad that the following has never happened to me:

A pastor performing a baptism was electrocuted inside his church Sunday morning after grabbing a microphone while partially submerged, a church employee said.


This occurred in Waco Texas. The whole story is here.

My heart and prayers, go out to the family and the church of Kyle Lake.

Bad Combination

The words, 'I know how to...' stated with regards to anything, followed by the words 'See Watch' never end up with positive results. Never.

In this case it was the 6 year old talking to the 10 year old about shuffling cards.

52 pick-up anyone?


Do you remeber when the Christmas Wishbook arrived at your house?


I like vegetables. Especially broccoli, but I am not sure that I ever really liked them as much as this kid.

Also what about those Vegitales?


(note: this is a sermon that was originally preached in February of 2004)

John 13.36-14.4
John 18.12-27
John 21.15-17

No, I didn't see this one coming
It suddenly snuck up on me
I can't say you didn't tell me so
I can't say you didn't warn me
I was there when they accused you
But I guess I was too afraid
Not just once and Not just twice
But three times I denied your name
I never thought I would get even a second chance
But you've given that and so much more
And then for every time I ever did deny
You ask me if I love you, You know I do, Lord

Mac Powell

I would like to start in the middle of the first text. We read here a promise. It is important that we note this. The substance of most of today's text is one that, without this promise would be difficult to deal with. In its essence it is pointing our focus on the dark side of our hearts.

Chapter 14 verses 1 and 2 show us the loving and continuing perseverance of Christ toward his disciples. He not only tells them of the future dwelling place that he is preparing for them but also admonishes them "LET NOT YOUR HEARTS BE TROUBLED" Please keep this in mind.

At the beginning of today's passage we have a Petedumbfoundeddumfounded. Not only is the Lord telling Peter that he cannot go with him but in opposition of what Peter feels He will deny the Christ, his friend and Lord. Peter is so sure that he should be with Christ that he states that he will lay down his life for Christ's sake. This is of course in contrast or contradiction to Christ's prediction.

We of course all know this story. Peter does in fact at a latter point do exactly what the Lord said he would. Looking at this we can only assume that Peter is either stupid or blinded or a lying fool. This is a neat conclusion that requires nothing more than for us to say "Don't do what Peter did!" I would ask you is this the point? Is this the case of an incident that was important enough to include in all four of the Gospels? Of course this is not the case. I would suggest that the point is something that is far closer to our own hearts.

So what is the point?

How is it that a disciple of Christ, one the closest to him deny Him?

How is it that a disciple of Christ didn’’t recognize the mistake of his actions until too late?

How is it that he could be so stupid?

Of course this is followed by the hard question. If Peter could be so stupid as to deny Christ, wouldn’’t we all?

Please note this, the point here is: Not one is without this sin. This road to Golgotha, the road to the hill they called the Skull, this is a road that only ONE could walk. This is Christ’’s task. Although we all do, and should feel shame about our lack of being involved, it is the way it was ordained.

Why is this?

This is so that, even though Peter stated that he would lay down his life for the Lord, he couldn’’t. This is so that Chris Klassen cannot stand and say I will lay down my life for you. This is so that you cannot stand and say I will lay down my life for you. This is so that no one can stand and say I will lay down my life for you.

I have been paying attention to the media with regards to an event that is happening this Wednesday. Since the first time I heard of the movie "The Passion of the Christ" I have had much more than a passing interest in what is and has been happening around it. There is much conversation happening about its perceived anti-Semitic nature. I cannot speak of the movie as a whole, although I will say that many people I respect greatly have said that this is not an anti-Semitic rendering. I can say that I had the opportunity to view the original trailer and can only find in it a great spotlight. This spotlight is on my sin and my culpability in the death of Christ. I have a friend that is anxious to go to the theatre to see the full production. I can say that I desire to see it. I can’’t say that I desire to see it in public. I find that a brief viewing of the trailer has moved me to tears and wonder if I will be embarrassed by my reaction in a public forum. You see like Peter and like you I did not lay my life down for Christ. In a great manner without a legitimate charge, with only love, Christ lay down his life for us. This is painful and humbling. It should be.

Moving on to Peter’’s denial itself. We now see in John 18 that even having warning, that Peter still denies Christ. This is an emphatic denial. In the texts of both Matthew and Mark we are told that Peter cursed and swore that he didn’’t know Christ. Not to put too blunt a point on it but this is of profound significance. The meaning of the text here is a very strong term that involves pronouncing ones own death at the hand of God. John MacArthur Jr. states that not only do Peter’’s denials become more intense and extreme as the accusations become more specific but that the curse in essence was "May God kill and damn me if I am not speaking the truth." Now is this the voice of a disciple of Christ?

In the account of the Gospel of Luke we are told in another way of Peter’’s denial. This account also shows us that he did not have a realization of what he had done until the cock crowed and the Eyes of the Christ whom he had denied looked upon him. What was his response? What should ours be? Peter went out and wept bitterly.

How many times do we forget or deny Christ in doing things that are wrong? As humans we have the ability to divide our life into Godly things and life things. Of course underlying this as Christians we are Christians in our being, but I often wonder how it is that I can put a certain unholy action in a little compartment and feel no conviction until after the damage has been done. Why is this? It is of course, that as with Peter, the conviction comes when Holy Spirit looks upon us and brings us to recognition of our sin.

What is our response? As Peter we weep bitterly.

I am reminded of a story that an old saint once related to me. It seems that one night when he was young he went over to an older friends house. As he arrived there and as the door was opened he heard wailing and weeping. Inquiring as to what was going on, the lady of the house told him that her husband was dealing with the conviction of sin. The young man in his desire to help out and solve the problem of conscience asked to go into the back room and talk to the husband. The wise lady of the house instructed him that he would not do any such thing. The Lord is not through with him.

So now what do we do? We have denied Christ in word or in action. This is the most dire of circumstances. How painful a time. It was as we know painful for Peter and it is painful for us. This would be the end of the line save for one thing. Remember the promise that we mentioned at the beginning?

Lets now turn to John 21

I am sure that in as much as in doesn’’t escape me it wouldn’’t have Peter either. Peter had fallen from apostleship. As Calvin says "how could he, who had basely revolted from it, be capable of instructing others in the faith." So when the resurrected Christ asks Peter three times "do you love me more than these?" It would not escape Peter the pain of his denial or the blatant nature of his three denials and Christ’’s three new questions.

There is forgiveness and renewal. This is the matter of how we now shall live. After our betrayal. After our conviction. After our weeping. After our repentance. After we are forgiven and renewed and restored to a right relationship with the Christ there is responsibility. Christ lovingly gave a task to Peter. Peter needed this. We need this. This is not just about Peter tending to Christ’’s sheep. This is our collective responsibility. When Christ asks Peter to tend his lambs it should not escape us, that to us also he gives us a responsibility.

How great it is that He who loves us gives us a task that we need.

Now how does this look? As parents we are not just to present the Gospel to our children we are to feed it to them. We are to live our lives upright and holy so they may see. We are to instruct them in the way of the Lord, showing them and admonishing them to understand. We are to PRAY for their understanding.

As teachers we are to challenge our students. We are to challenge them in both action and in correct thinking. Godly thinking. All things as to Christ. Preparing them for trials and questions that come in and out of season.

As fellow Christians we are to sharpen one another in love. As "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. We promote growth in thought and action. Stimulating intellect as we increase our activity toward another and toward the world.

We started today with the words from a song of Mac Powell’’s It ends like this.

Lord, you took the pain even though I left You
And you took the shame and You made it all your own
Why’’d You take the blame for everything that I’’ve done?
Lord, You took the pain
You and You alone, You and You alone

This is a lesson that we all must learn. We are also best to keep it close to our hearts. I am sure that Saint Peter did. I would like you to open your Bibles to the text of second Peter 3.17-18. In the last words of Peter’’s epistles, as he is fighting to keep people from looking to teachers who are twisting Paul’’s teachings.

Peter 3. 17-18

You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Presented to me at two separate times from two of my siblings, are a humorous look at the dilemma that is to be a Mennonite. (which is what our parents were raised)

The first is:

The definition of dilemma? Give a Mennonite an expensive bottle of liquor.

The second:

Free beer.

Now well enough that I find it funny even if that's not really my point. The point here is the question of what is the more important ethic. Do you drink against your belief? (speaking from a traditional MB perspective, not that I support this position) Or do you waste what has value?

Making a complete jump in thinking we look at Paul Martin. (This is where my friend Gerry will beat up on me.) What an ethical dilemma it must be governing a country, and to have a requisite ethic presented to you by the governing body of your faith. This can be presented in many fashions such as, he has to allow for what the Canadian people want and therefore his faith has to take a back seat.

Now I am not one to suggest that legislation of faith, to our fellow countrymen is a good idea. If anything I directly feel that is it counter-productive. I therefore would not welcome Paul Martin imposing his (Christian) ideals on us through legislation. But again we are at his dilemma. How do you support abortion, and remain a devout Catholic? How could you possibly operate in a system where your constituents direct you in one way and your faith directs you in another.

If you are a Mennonite, you eventually dump the liquor down the sink. With the understood risk of offending the one who gave it to you. With the understood implication that it may cost you something more.

There should be no morals for sale here.

The likely scenario that the Mennonite does anything other, would denote that he is a hypocrite. He cannot give it away, he should not keep it, and really should not drink it.

What the actions of Prime Minister state, when He says that he is personally opposed and yet must take the stance of pro-choice, is that his morals are for sale. If he does not stand up for what the believes, he either does not believe it, or he is so spineless that he should not be in the position of power that he is.

To the offence of man rather than the offence of God. What should we do? The parallel of the Mennonite breaks down here, for there is stark difference between drink and abortion. I would never mean to indicate that the Mennonite here has a dilemma that is founded in scripture. For him it is a question of personal ethics. For the Prime Minister, it is something far beyond. It is a question of the world versus the church. In his case one that his church has not made ambiguous in the least. A stance that I support fully as I believe my church does also.

Interestingly the choice that Paul Martin made here should be just as much a warning to his supporters as his detractors. It states unequivocally that it does not matter what ethic, what moral, or what faith he has. It does not matter what the truth is or what the desire of the people really is.

His credibility is for sale.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Top 10 Politically Unhinged Celebrities

Too Funny.

From the Human Events Online website.

Who is this Christ we Serve?

According to the Holman Study Bible He is......

Alpha and Omega
Ancient of Days
Angel of His presence
The Prince
Anointed above the fellows
Anointed with the Holy Spirit
Apostle of our confession
Apple tree
Arm of the Lord
Author and Perfecter of faith
Author of salvation
Beautiful crown
Beginning and the end
Beginning of the Creation of God
Begotten from the Father
Beloved Son
Blessed and only Sovereign
Branch of the Lord
Bread of Heaven
Bread of life
Bright morning star
Carpenter’s Son
Chief corner stone
Chief Shepherd
Chosen of God
The Christ
Christ a King
Christ Jesus
Christ Jesus our Lord
Christ Jesus our Savior
Christ of God
Christ our Passover
Christ the Lord
Christ the power of God
Christ the wisdom of God
Christ, Son of the Blessed One
Cluster of henna blossoms
Consolation of Israel
Corner stone
Costly corner stone
Covenant to the people
Creator of Israel
David their king
Descendant of David
Door of the sheep
Dwelling place
Eternal Father
Eternal life
Exact representation
Faithful witness
First-born of the dead
First-born among many brethren
First-born from the dead
First-born of all creation
First fruits
First and last
Foundation firmly placed
Fountain for sin and for impurity
Friend of sinners
Fulness of Deity
Gift of God
Glory of the Lord
Glory of thy people
God of Israel
God of all the earth
God our Savior
God with us
God’s mystery
Golden alter
Good shepherd
Good Teacher
Great Shepherd of the sheep
Guardian of your souls
Head over all rule and authority
Head of the Church
Head of every man
Head over all things
Heir of the world
Heritage of Jacob
High Priest
His anointed
His Chosen One
Holy, innocent, and undefiled
Holy and Righteous One
Holy One of God
Holy one of Israel
Holy servant Jesus
Holy offspring
Hope of Glory
Hope of Israel
Horn of salvation
Image of the invisible God
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ our Lord
Jesus Christ our Savior
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews
Jesus, The son of God
Jesus, the son of Joseph
Judge of Israel
Judge of the living and the dead
Kindness of the Lord
King of Glory
King of Israel
King of kings
King of Jews
King of the nations
King of Zion
King over all the earth
Lamb of God
Leader and commander
Life-giving spirit
Everlasting Light
True Light
Light of revelation
Light of the World
Light to the nations
Lily of the Valleys
Lion from the tribe fo Judah
Living bread
Living stone
Lord Christ
Lord God the Almighty
Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Lord of all
Lord both of the dead and of the living
Lord of glory
Lord of Hosts
Lord of lords
Lord of the Sabbath
Lord of our righteousness
Lord, your Holy One
Lord, your Redeemer
Lord strong and mighty
Lord’s Christ
Man Christ Jesus
Man of thy right hand
Man of Sorrows
Merciful and Faithful
Messenger of the covenant
Messiah the Prince
Mighty God
Mighty One
Mighty One of Jacob
Mighty to save
Minister in the sanctuary
Minister in the true tabernacle
Morning Star
My Associate
My Beloved
My Son, My Chosen One
Offspring of David
Only begotten
Only God our Savior
Outstanding among ten thousand
Our Peace
Pearl of great value
Pouch of myrrh
Power of God
Precious corner stone
Prince and a Savior
Prince of life
Prince of Peace
Purified oil
Radiance of his glory
Ransom for all
Refuge from the wind
Resurrection and the life
Righteous Branch
Righteous Judge
Righteous Man
Righteous One
Rock of Israel
Rock of offence
Rock to stumble over
Root of David
Root of Jesse
Rose of Sharon
Ruler in Israel
Ruler of the Kings of the earth
Savior, Christ Jesus
Savior, Jesus Christ
God our Saviour
Savior of the Body
Savior of the world
Scepter from Israel
Second man
Seed of the Woman
Select arrow
Servant of Rulers
Servant to the circumcision
Sharp sword
Shepherd of Israel
Shepherd and Guardian of your souls
Signal for the peoples
Smelter and purifier
Son of the Blessed One
Son of David
Son of the Father
Son of God
Son of Man
Son of Mary
Son of the Most High
Son of the gods
Source of eternal salvation
Spiritual Drink
Spiritual food
Spiritual Rock
Star from Jacob
Stem of Jesse
Stone of stumbling
Streams of water
Sun of righteousness
Teacher come from God
Tested stone
Thine anointer
True Light
True God
True Vine
Wall of fire
Wealth of all nations
Wedding garment
Well of fresh water
Who is and who was and who is to come
Wisdom of God
Wonderful Counselor
Word of God
Word of Life
Worthy to receive power
Young stag

I have nothing to add.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Power of Prayer

I found this graphic on my computer today. It reminded me of something, and that something is why it is on my computer. The power of prayer.

Do you see that little island at the bottom at about 77.5 deg west and 18 deg north? That is Jamaica. Now the Prime Minister of Jamaica called on his people to pray to the Lord that his people would be spared the brunt of Hurricane Ivan. He endured the brunt of much criticism, specifically from the north American press. He stood fast.

The little squigle in the track line says it all.

Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Shrine of St Therese

Just south of Juneau Alaska there is a small Catholic Church named the Shrine of St. Theresa. It is to bad that while we were there the scaffolding from the amazing renovations was still up. For a clear picture you can visit their website.

I am not up on my Catholic doctrine, nor do I really intend to be. I do however have to say that the little stone constructions around the church were very amazing to see. In everyone there was one of the stations of the cross.

All of the architecture is set on a peninsula that juts out into the Lynn Canal, which is part of the Pacific Ocean. The views are nothing but top notch.

Monday, October 24, 2005

I'm a Traditional Guy

In most, if not all aspects of my life, I like tradition. I like Christmas listening to the Robert Shaw chorale, and I like reading the news paper at the dinner table.

In my quest to have traditions I am not inflexible, I guess because I like to try new things too. Although I will say that from time to time I have used the inexcusable phrase, "My mom does it like...." Very rarely does that go over well.

This sort of tradition is not what I would like to write about today, however.

I find a great comfort in another tradition. That is the tradition of biblical interpretation.

Very often I hear a half baked idea being spun as the new 'gotta have it.' Well I'm sorry, I don't. I do not have the time or inclination to spend hours dispelling the error of odd new teachings, or the flavor of the month that came before them. There are scholars that are much more adept at both scripture and apologetics, than I could ever be, and far be it from me to try to explain what those in vein of Hanegraff, Sproul and Stackhouse, have done more than competently.

As I said before, there is a tradition of biblical interpretation that has occurred throughout history. It is a tradition that I can only assume is guided by the Holy Spirit. The guidance of the Holy Spirit is inseparable from the process that gave us the Canon, and He is inseparable from the means of interpretation. Guiding what our Lord has to say to us from the Canon now.

I find that the more I read and the more I learn, I see a continuity. In the same likeness of how scripture was assembled into the masterpiece that is the Canon, full and beautiful, right and complete, we see a certain beauty in the history of the Christian traditional interpretation of that Canon.

I do not think that I am alone in my astonishment. Reading Augustine, and Luther, and Calvin, and Spurgeon, and Lewis I have at times not been able to distinguish their voices. I don't think this is error. I think this is a historical traditional truth, that is a gift of God through the church to us as mankind today. It also continues from here.

I look at all that I read through the filter of this historical traditional interpretation. When I hear of something new, it smacks of wrong. We are not the first generation of truth, nor was the last, nor will the next be. It is a canon of truth for all mankind, for all time.

We would be best to learn from those who go before.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Prayer for October 23, 2005

The congregational prayer for Sunday October 23, 2005 is an inward reading of a Hymn by Kate B. Wilkinson, May the Mind of Christ, My Savior.

As we bow before the Lord, our Creator, let us unburden our hearts in repentance to the Almighty.

Read silently with me.

May the mind of Christ, my Savior,
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and power controlling
All I do and say.

May the Word of God dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His power.

May the peace of God my Father
Rule my life in everything,
That I may be calm to comfort the
Sick and sorrowing.

May the love of Jesus fill me
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory.

May I run the race before me,
Strong and brave to face the foe
,Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.

May His beauty rest upon me,
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel,
Seeing only Him.

Oh God, our Redeemer, may it be so.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

You Are Romans
You are Romans.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Like Scott I to am not sure about this, but I find myself in good company.

Cool Tools 2

Do you feel the need to take it all with you? I do. To the point of embarrassing my wife. The reality of modern life is that I rarely leave the house without many items. (phone, PDA, wallet, glasses...) For those of you that are of the Male persuasion sometimes a purse is not a real option. I would also guess that many women find them a drag too. This is where this cool tool comes in.

It is.... The Pocket Bible Not a small text. Not even just a New Testament, but the full text and much more. It is an electronic version of the bible that includes the full text, and depending on how many you add can include some large amounts of translations. I currently have 11 translations on my PDA. Besides the Bible you can add on many different commentaries, and other devotional type tools.

Some of the items are free while others cost a small amount. Best of all it is available as a demo so that you can try it first. Also the company is well structured so that at any time if you log in you can access all your previous downloads, as well as updates and new purchases. (this insulates you from lost information)

As I spend more time with the program I find it more and more diverse. I can change the font size for different occasions, and the texts are fully searchable. Multiple windows are also allowed. All and all a great tool. Cool too!

Visit Laridian for more details.

Available for Palm, PPC, Ipod, and Smart Phones.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Not a Rick Warren.....

I am in no way a Rick Warren fan. Might have something to do with marketing 'the next big thing'. That aside this appears to have no specific objectionable qualities. At least at first glance.

"You are not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose. Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny."

- The Rev. Rick Warren for Starbucks

This is a quote that is going to be placed on a cup at Starbucks. In the very least it will be a step up from the drivel usually on the cups.

via USA Today
Note I found a link to this while looking at a new site recommended by Scott. Check it out.

Unregenerate behavior

A curious statement in a letter to Phil that he contains in this post. The first portion of the quote is from a letterwriter. The latter is Phil's usual humorous response. (I don't think he can help himself.)

>By the way, Charles
>Spurgeon smoked cigars.

> Since smoking cigars is unregenerate behavior,
> how can you hold this man up as an example
> of what a Christian should be?

Well, at least he never killed any deer or Anabaptists.

As you can see there is a link in the middle of the quote, which is where my curiosity peaked. You see I am what I hope would be viewed as a reformed thinker. I also happen to quite enjoy a good cigar. Not often by some standards and quite too much by others. So this grabbed me.

The following article, if you go to the link, is quite enlightening regarding Spurgeon's opinion of the matter. It also speaks far more about legalism vs. Holy living than might be apparent on the surface. I must say that I have never felt any check in my heart about my occasional cigar habit, save once. That was a matter of inappropriate timing, and I will admit to wrongdoing in that case. As for the act itself being unregenerate, read what the Prince of Preachers had to say.

I am off to submit a quote on the matter to Rebecca, where it is Spurgeon quote month!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


To all who have read the Chronicles. To all who have then read them to their children, you owe it to your self to go to Narnia and experience the trailer.

[Update: If you are really into Narnia take a look at this site. Big trailers and more. (longer than Disney's too)]

Dingbats and Dingwalls

Making a curious statement that brings to mind other seemingly straight statements, David Dingbatt wall testified yesterday. In the midst of a glowing report of his own self worth he stops, picks up a pack of Dentyne gum, waves it in the air, and states that when the auditors look at his expenses they will find that taxpayers did not pay for this pack of gum.

Well of course they didn't. That pack of gum was purchased two days ago. The one that we are laughing at him for was purchased earlier. Like when he was still employed by the mint. Even if the pack was the same one, (which would make it mint property, and he should not have it now) he doesn't believe that Mint money is taxpayer money therefore he is again justified. (except for the pending theft of gum charge that would follow.)

This is as sad as the Clinton statement. You know the one with the long pause between the word women and Monica.


Now Dingwall is "ethically entitled to the entitlements owing me." Meaning that He wants severance pay for quitting, even though he and his lawyers were too dumb to write severance into his plush contract.

I wonder if I could be a contentious objector to severance pay for Mint presidents, and therefore direct my taxes away from Mr Dingwall.

Life as a Welder

My life as a welder takes place in a dark cold shop on the side of the Alaska Highway. Every once and a while I am able to work on something that I enjoy. Not only the joy of creating something, but the joy of creating art. In the once and a while, I am able to create art that I am paid for.

This is a sample of some hand rails that I made for our local coffee roaster. They are in her retail store entitled, Zola's Cafe Dore.

I love having my work permanently on display in a prominent location. I guess that may be a bit of pride, but to me it is the art in need of getting out.


I have to note that in my mind, getting a 'new' book is akin to gold. I love books.

Yesterday I was given two 'new' books. I have been a little involved in them and that may be why I was silent yesterday.

The books are :

The Message of John by Bruce Milne, (already found some amazing stuff in here for a commentary)

An Introduction to the New Testament by Raymond E. Brown. (I have never heard of him but I have been assured that other volumes he has written are quite good)

I might let you know latter.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Happy 65th

My mom's 65th birthday is today! Unfortunately she is out of town where reaching her by phone is not possible. Thanks however to the day and age we live in, she can receive e-mail and surf the web. So this is my birthday present to her.

(click on images for larger view)

Curious just how many 65 of anything looks.

Here we are all in formation now ready for the celebration.
Happy Birthday Mom!
(sorry we celebrated without you)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Call to Worship Oct 16th, 2005

Please Rise.

The New Dictionary of Biblical Theology at one point says this about worship.
True homage and devotion to God is possible only for those who recognize the significance of Christ and yield him their allegiance.

We read in Romans 12:1

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

Please bow your heads.

Lord we ask that you would find our worship this morning acceptable. We also ask that you would transform us through the renewing of our minds as we listen to your word, and sing your praises.

In Christ’s name we pray,


Saturday, October 15, 2005


Bill C-407, ever heard of it? Neither had I. Until today that is. It is a private members bill from a Bloc MP named Francine Lalonde. It is an amendment to the criminal code of Canada, with the explicit purpose of legalizing Euthanasia.

I stumbled across this article on You would do well to read it. It is a short, and what appears to me, to the point analysis of what may happen politically with this bill.

Before I dive too deep into the particulars, I would like to relay a story that was instrumental in the development of my opinion in this matter.

When I was a teenager, a man that I had known all my life was struck with the debilitating disease of ALS. The man's name was Ike. Ike was much older than me, but we were, in a way friends. Ike was a leader in our church, and a teacher in the school system. He was respected in both, by both young and old.

Now one can never say exactly how much another influences another by means of measure. I can say however that Ike was a man that I looked to as wise. He was also a man that had an indescribable influence on who I was as a young man, and who I became as an adult. I think often of the times we had together and the discussions we had.

Even though Ike had ALS, it never slowed him down. He never let the disease get in the way of his Christianity. He never stopped doing whatever he could to keep up to what work needed to be done at home. I liked to go and help him. What might have been often for a youth, but probably not often enough to be a real help.

Ike ran a reindeer farm. Big farm. I recall Ike wearing insulated coveralls and dragging himself through the snow in what can only be described as a push-up position. He had no use of his legs, so he made fists and walked on his hands, dragging the rest of his body behind him. He then climbed on the skimmer, (a sled behind a snowmobile) and then as we went to the pen, he used everything he had to toss bales, off of the skimmer to feed the reindeer.

Ike had a will to live, fully.
Ike had a love for the Lord.

It was soon after watching the dignified way in which Ike had lived and died, that there was a very public case of ALS. There was a lady, who had ALS. She did not however, have the same inspiring attitude towards her remaining life. She was seriously advocating euthanasia. It was not the first time I had heard of euthanasia, but it might as well have been. I was disgusted. The picture that was painted in the media of ALS and her plight was vastly different than what I had seen with Ike.

Now ALS is a horrible affliction in which you slowly loose control and feeling in your body, but your mind is crystal clear, and I do not wish to belittle the plight of those who are suffering. I do however wish to contrast a Godly view through the disease, and a very worldly one. I never think of euthanasia without looking back over this time of my life.

Now that you understand how I feel, I would like to talk about the article from (reading required)

The concept of 'the next big battle' for evangelicals is one that I am beginning to find strange. For sure I found the Gay Union debate and discussion in this country very definitely sparked a coming together of the minds, amongst evangelical Christians, and Catholics, and Anglicans...... (not saying that the latter 2 categories can't fit in the former one) I just come back to a statement from Bob. A friend.

Bob presents the concept: It is a pity that it is on a social issue that is so completely void of biblical ethics, that the church comes together. It is sad that this is what it takes to make us act. I am a bit more charitable on this point, in that I believe that it is the Lord that gives us the strength to fight these things.

Bob has a point though. Do we as Christians go from cause to cause while they are in season, and then move on? Are we after the 'next big battle'? Or did we learn from the last one that we need to be the Lord's Church. Salt and light to the world. It is depressing that some if not all of us look at the gay union debate as over. It is as abhorrent to the Lord now as it was then, and as abhorrent as abortion, euthanasia, and the next cause of the week that comes up.

I would hope that as a Church we can come together for more than the extraordinary, and through the extraordinary we may become stronger.

Lord help your church work in the world as a tool of your truth.


Woke up this morning, and it was cold.

Now it's not that I am up early, I am not. It is that the coldest time of the day here seems to be right before sunrise. Sunrise is at 8:41am today. So when I woke up (about 8am) it was cold out. It still is.

How Cold?

-8 C

For you of the other persuasion that is 17.6f. Well below freezing, and well below the kind of temperatures that we have seen here this year. It is also well below seasonal normal. The one advantage of course is the beautiful clear sky and the slow sunrise. Makes coffee that much more enjoyable on a Saturday morning. I enjoy the sunlight on the pine ceiling as I contemplate the day.

Now excuse me while I go get a cup!

Friday, October 14, 2005


I could post a long statement about fishing and how it makes me feel more connected with the disciples. The fact is, I enjoy fishing, for nothing other than the time out on the water. When you catch fish it is always a bit of a bonus though. The fish is a Coho (silver) Salmon. Its just under 20 pounds. (which is large for a Coho) The ugly guy is me.

The location is Valdez Alaska. Which is without a doubt the most beautiful place I have ever been. Not in any way claiming to be an environmentalist, but it is easy to see why everyone was so upset when the Exxon crashed. To those who are concerned about the current conditions in Valdez, I am not sure that you would ever notice if you didn't know what had occurred, and even then I am not sure what I noticed was actually from the crash.

In any event a wholly beautiful place.

Jesus Christ Our One Foundation

This hymn is based on Isaiah 28:16 where we read:

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD,
"Behold I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone,
a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed
He who believes in to will not be disturbed."

Foundation. What is it? We can think of many ideas that are synonymous with foundation but they all convey an understanding of strength, and the nature of being primary. We look to Christ as first, and pivotal. When I opened my Funk & Wagnalls at the word foundation, the single descriptive word ‘basis’ struck me. Isn’t this really what we mean. The singular basis of our faith is Christ.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Alaska Yukon Relations

For those who live outside of the Yukon, you may not know what our economy is like, and how wildly things swing on little events. Even many of our own population don't quite understand this fact, as they are insulated from direct effects, having jobs with large corporations, (phone, electrical) or government. (not to say that all government employees are oblivious)

There have been many events in the past year that have sparked somewhat of a 'renewed positive outlook' amongst business owners, and workers in the private sector.

A few of the most recent events that have been publicized are:

Unemployment hitting all time lows in the territory. The raw facts are here in a PDF file for August , supplied by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics on this page. Or the dumbed down version in our local newspaper here for the month of September.

Mining exploration on the rise, with numbers that have not been seen in the last decade. As reported here via the communist Broadcasting corporation.

Now I won't get into the number crunching of these things, less I get smacked for bad form by either of my good friends, Scott or Gerry. What I can see, as a small business owner is that there is more traffic through my door, from the related mining industries. Therefore I know that there is an element of truth to these figures.

You are then asking, what does this have to do with Alaska, Yukon relations? This is where we dive slightly into politics.

The Premier of the Yukon, Dennis Fentie, has a difficult balancing act to play. In order to promote growth in a number of ways, for the Yukon, he must work closely with our neighbor to the west, which is Alaska. There are many common interests, such as pipelines and railways in the works. Those are items that Governor Murkowski and Dennis Fentie seem to agree on. On the other side, the issue of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is something that they do not see eye to eye on. Or at least that is what we are led to believe.

The natives in the northern Yukon are dead set against any development in this area, worried about negative effects on the porcupine caribou herd. And although I believe that there position is faulty, I am not an expert in the field and may not be able to defend credibly my belief. It does not matter, for Dennis Fentie he can not afford politically to take anything but the side of the northern natives. A position that I must note, is the most popular here in the Yukon, or so it would seem.

To the point. It worries me to see what is happening, knowing that in an instant we could lose economic benefits that would assist my business in prospering, and possibly giving me a good nights sleep.

Now there is an active lobby on the other side of the border, and if they gain steam it could derail all that is going on. The add on this page has the local media in tithers, and has even hit the (Canadian) national news.

I wait to hear Dennis Fentie's response!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

In a great family tradition, today we went out to the wood's looking for things of colour and interest. This occurs every year, usually in Atlin, BC. This year it was in the backyard, but it appears that the children have had just as much fun as always.

The raw materials were as usual, markedly coloured like the bush! A pile of weeds to the uneducated eye, but I know better!
I find it ever amazing how beautiful, what would otherwise be compost, can become in the right hands. Now all that is left to do is eat Turkey.

Local Yokels

George Roberts is one of many cottage industry artisans in the Yukon that produce world class works. The materials he uses are top notch and the work is top drawer also. Bandit Blades is his company. Using his knives everyday, is a pleasure and gives new meaning to the words quality and craftsmanship.

Haloscan Added

Haloscan has been added to the comment section now. Now all we need is some comments!

Cool Tools 1

As much as I am a welder and work with heavy duty stuff, I am and cannot deny that I am a techno geek. All that said this is a neat tool, and useful too.

Adobe Reader for my Pocket PC.

Now this may not seem much, but it deals with another problem I was having. I like having as much information as available to me when I am in discussions. (something about the lack of education) Our Bible Study is going to be looking at the Westminster Confession, and Scott sent out a wonderful link to a commentary on the same, by A.A.Hodge. It is 234 pages. Now ordinarily I would fire up the laser printer and have at it, but I thought there might be a better way. I was right. Adobe has it right on their site. Not only that but for all those of the other persuasion (palm), it is available for them too. Now I will be uniformed with greater information than ever! To all you geeks, Check it out. To all you cheap geeks, it's free!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Call to Worship October 9th 2005

Please rise.

In the tradition of our forefathers we gather today for the purposes of worship, exhortation, fellowship and ministry. Let us not forget that as we do we are coming together in communion with brothers and sisters from many places. Let us not forget that ultimately it is in the name of Christ that we gather.

As we are told in Acts 2:42

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Please bow.

Lord, forgive us as a body, and forgive us individually for anything that would lead to any form of stumbling in our worship of you today. Let us seek you with a pure heart, and allow our time in this place be effective according to your will. Guide our thoughts, guide our leaders, Lord, guide this service. Open our hearts, minds, and ears.

Lord, bless this time.


Sunday School

Just a note. I was not excommunicated this morning for reading a section of Stackhouse's book that portrayed modern P&W music in a less than flattering light. The discussion was well thought, and hopefully productive. For this I am thankful.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Chief

Recently I spent time with my
brother in Squamish, BC. It is the location of his coffee shop. His shop produces nothing but top notch coffee, espresso and baking. The environment is everything that I like while having my coffee, and nothing that I don't. If you are in Squamish or Brackendale, look it up. It's Bean Around the World Brackendale.

While enjoying "The World's Finest Coffees" We worked on a few upgrades and repairs. I am not completely sure that I was so much help as company, but we were able to enjoy some time doing things that are enjoyable to both of us. Time outdoors. We climed the Cheif. Now I like climbing and hiking, bike riding and fishing. I like a good workout, but in all reality my brother is an athlete and I am at best a willing participant.

Nothing would have really prepared me for the Chief. Its not that it's tall, it's not that it's rocky, its not that the nicely made steps in the trail are anything but regular. It that all of these come together on a 2000 foot climb and are the lighter side of what you experience. Having to use chain hand rails and ladders to assist you on the way up just add to the excitement.

The trail winds around the backside, and if you are so inclined you book time to climb the face. I am not inclined, in fact I still get a bit of a shiver thinking about my time spent at the top. Although as an aside it was the first time I ever realized that my brother is just as scared of hights as I am.

The view from the top was stunning. We spent some time snacking and talking. Looking and sitting in awe of creation. It truly was worth the affomentioned hike. As seen in the picture to the right My bro is keeping his distance from the edge as I did too, save the one occurance of crawling over to at least take a peek.

As you can see, the trail is steep, and while climbing or descending you are passed by many who have climbed the face and are now running down the back side. We took our time, and this makes me able to write this now.

If you are so inclined, to ever do this hike by all means do. It is amazing. Just carefully read the statements before you start.

As we climbed I felt as if I had steped in to the Lord of the Rings. With gollum hanging over my shoulder announcing to my brother "Fat boy ate all the food."

Perpetual Adolescence

I have just finished preparing my adult Sunday School class on the topic of perpetual adolescence. It is based on a chapter of a book by John G. Stackhouse Jr. Evangelical Landscapes. The chapter is curiously called Perpetual Adolescence. The preparing took the form of, after the xth time of reading the chapter, highlighting the important bits (most of it) for purposes of reading them to the class. In a direct way I feel that it is cheating, but at the same time I do not for even one instant that I can better express what it is that Stackhouse has to say. For a glimpse, here is a quote from said book and chapter:

We aging baby boomers have made a cult of adolescence. We still want to be eighteen or perhaps twenty-five, and we have transformed popular culture around us as we always have, through the power of our numbers and our wallets. So radio stations keep playing the music of our youth - not of today's youth - even as one wonders how appropriate it is for a fifty-seven-year-old executive to be listening to hours of adolescent love songs. So jeans companies let us stay in our Levi's or khakis by bringing our "relaxed fit" pants to suit our ever more relaxed bellies and bottom. So the ordinary necessities of the middle decades of life become glossed and airbrushed and jazzed up to let us maintain the facade of perpetual youth: Minivans are sensible for this time of life but terribly dull, so we buy impractical SUV'v instead.

(For the record I drive a really beater Tercel. It has 366,000k on it and gets north of 40mpg.)

Now I may not be able to express this as well as Stackhouse but recently when reading The Pyromaniac I came across something that I thought was a succinct statement on the topic. From his article Still more from the e-mail out-box.

the methodology is all wrong and completely without any credible biblical warrant. I realize making Jesus seem cool is the dominant evangelistic strategy of this age, and everyone from Rick Warren to Brian McLaren is trying in whatever way they think best to make Christianity more hip and trendy.

But I still think it's a bad idea.

Incidentally, I grew up in the 1960s in a liberal church with a fairly sizable youth group where dances with live rock music were the bait used to draw us on a regular basis. So there's nothing particularly fresh or innovative about this philosophy. It didn't work in my generation, and it's not really working now. It's made the church more worldly; it hasn't made the world more spiritual.

In fact, I'd say that this strategy represents the wholesale abandonment of the church's responsibility to a sinful culture

I am not sure how this will go over tomorrow. I hope that it is taken in the light I intend to give it. A sincere hope to bring our local body to a greater depth of thinking.

I'll let you know tomorrow how it went.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Harpoon Gun

Harpoon Posted by Picasa

On a trip to Juneau, Alaska this summer we stopped by the museum. Along with many other interesting things we saw this Harpoon Gun.

Yes that barrel has a hole in it that is about one inch. Yes it has a solid steel stalk. The projectile that was used is lying in the case beside the gun. The write up mentions that many broken collerbones were attributed to this weapon. I can't imagine why.

The main purpose of the gun was the hunting of whales, of which in the Juneau area, humpbacks and orcas are common. While fishing on another trip, I caught a humpback in my halibut rig. Without to many details I had a really close up look. Suffice to say that they are large, and I am not sure that the harpoon would do much more than tie you to a formidable foe.

(Juneau Alaska is the Capital of Alaska and is approximately 150 miles due south of Whitehorse. It is the only capital in the US that is not accessible by road.)

It's a Crunchy Life

A quote:

"By the goodness of God we mean nowadays almost exclusively His lovingness; and in this we may be right. And by love, in this context, most of us mean kindness - the desire to see others than the self happy; not happy in this way or in that, but just happy. What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, ‘What does it matter so long as they are contented?’ We want in fact, not so much a Father in Heaven as a grandfather in heaven - a senile benevolence who, as they say, ‘liked to see young people enjoying themselves’, and whose plan for the universe was simply that it might be truly said at the end of each day, ‘a good time was had by all’. Not many people, I admit, would formulate a theology in precisely those terms: but a conception not very different lurks at the back of many minds. I do not claim to be and exception: I should very much like to live in a universe which was governed on such lines. But since it is abundantly clear that I don’t, and since I have reason to believe, nevertheless, that God is Love, I conclude that my conception of love needs correction."

from The Problem of Pain
C.S. Lewis

Dischords or as my Dad calls them crunches. The music we sing is full of them. We may not like them, but without them we would never have what comes next. Resolution.
This may sound a bit dark, but this action mirrors life. In this life we have trials. These are not for just any reason, they are for the furtherance of God’s purposes. We may not understand them. We may need to change our thinking of what we expect. We may also need to change our response to these crunches in our life. We may need to learn to take joy in the outworking of God’s purpose. This is the life of a Christian. It was for the disciples, it was for Paul, we should expect no less than our lives to reflect those of the Christian soldiers that have gone before us.

Of course we have a goal to look forward to, and this is the resolution.

Now what does this have to do with music? A quote from some favourite musicians, Sixpence None the Richer:

but tension is to be loved
when it is like a passing note
to a beautiful, beautiful chord


The limited partnership is once again whole. Mom came home yesterday and the whole house is happy about that. The Little LTD's were overjoyed with her presence and the presents. I just happy to have someone to talk to that is not of a 9 year old intellect.

All this and the Canucks won last night. Not that I was able to watch.

Family and shelter. Good friends, and most of all a caring God.

These things I am thankful for.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Orange One Wanted Purple

Little LTD 2 + 1 Posted by Picasa

A day at home without Mom. Little LTD 1 is quite happy to tell everyone that fact.

Hopefully it washes out by the time school photos happen.

Call to Worship February 27th 2005

Please rise.

I charge you, in the presence of the LORD God our creator. I charge you to enter into worship of the King. Let our thoughts and actions here this morning, through giving, singing, prayer, and listening, be acceptable in His sight. May we do so all for His benefit and His glory.

Hear from the Word of God;

Exodus 15:1,2
Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and said,
"I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted;
The Horse and its rider He has hurled into the sea.
"The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation;
This is my God, and I will praise Him;
My father’s God, and I will extol Him,

Please bow your heads.

Lord we come here this morning with a focus on worshipping You. We ask that You would remove the sin from our hearts, that would cause our worship to be ineffectual. We pray that You would guide our thoughts, actions, and words, to be, all to your glory. We pray that You would guide the leaders, and our pastor, that their words and actions would be what You will. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable in Your sight.

O Lord, our rock and our Redeemer.



A sermon from many years ago. Short and basic. If there is any wondering how it would fit as a sermon, I speak s l o w l y.

The Bible says that my King is a seven way king.

He's the King of the Jews - That a racial king.
He's the King of Isreal - That a national king.
He's the King of Righteousness.
He's the King of ages.
He's the King of heaven.
He's the King of Glory.
He's the King of kings and He the Lord of lords.

Thats my King!

Well I wonder do you know Him?

David said the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork.

My King is a sovreign king!

No means of measure can define His limitlessness. No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoulder supply. No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings. He is endurably strong. He's entirly sincere. He is eternally steadfast. He's immortaly graceful. He's imperially powerfull. He's impartialy merciful.

Do you know Him?

He's the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world!
He's God son. He the sinners savior. He the centerpiece of civilization. He stands in the solitude of Himself. He all this and unique. He unparralelled. He unprecidented. He's the loftiest idea in literature. He's the highest personality in philosophy. He is the supreme problem in our critisism. He is the fundamental doctrine of true theology. He is the corner nessesity of spiritual religion.
He's the miricle of the age.

That was from Dr. S.M. Lockridge sermon My King. I do not know much about the man who wrote this in fact this covers about 90% of what I have ever heard from him or about him. I can tell you one thing from hearing him speak these words. He has incredible respect for God.

I would like to state before going any further that I do not believe that any word can sufficiently be used to portray the awesomeness of God. I do not believe that we can describe the hight he is at sufficiently to do Him justice. With this in mind I will be refering to respect, but in no way meaning to diminish His awesomeness.

Who is God that we respect Him?

He is the Father that allowed His Son to die for us. He is the Son that took the burden of our sins on His back and He is the Spirit that draws us into communion with Him.

We respect Him because He is truly worthy. He is everything that is worthy of our respect. We have respect for him because he is imperially powerful. The dictionary tells us that imperial designates a nation having sovreign power over colonies or dependancies. That it is a name suitable to an emperor or supreme ruler. That they excersize the athority of a supreme ruler or commander. They are domaneering and overbearing. They are superior in size and quality. Of course this explanation falls short. There is no way of completely describing Gods greatness. This is the reason why we should respect Him. He is beyond our thoughts and capabilities to understand. His abilities are beyond our wildest imaginations. He is truly and completely worthy of our respect on the single basis of his Godhood.

Beyond this, but not needing any further reasons, He gives us another reason to respect Him. He of His own will, has grace on us beyond any ability to understand. His grace justifies the sinner and is worthy for our respect because it cost more than we will ever know. God says that we were bought at a price and anything that is a price to God is very costly indeed.

In the book of Deuteronomy we are commanded firstly that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of slavery. You shall have no other Gods before me!

We have respect for Him because He commands us to. He expects it and demands it.

Now how do we go about respecting Him? What does it involve?

We need to bring the Lord into every aspect of our life. Involving the Lordship of Him in every aspect. Like he wrote on those tablets so long ago. NO GODS BEFORE HIM!! This is a tall command. It involves having Him as Lord over our thoughts, over our actions and over our hearts.

When we come before Him in prayer we do so respectfull of who it is that we are talking to. When we are working at our jobs we are concious of what He would have us do at any moment. When doing things at anytime we are aware of our call to be His servants first. And most difficultly, when we are thinking we are thinking pure thoughts and allowing God to shape our mindset.

Respecting Him calls us to let him have controll. He demands, expects, and requires no less.

In my own life I come across what would be commonly refered to as the dregs of society. I could share stories of situations here but that is unimportent. What is importent is how I look at these people. We know by what scripture says that we all are unworthy of his kingdom and yet he extends grace to us, AND them. If God is willing to give them his grace then it would be disrespectful to God to treat them in a manner that is looking down on them.

God requires that our treatment of all others that we come in contact with is colored by our respect for him. The reasoning is twofold. One is that if we don we will hold ourselves in higher esteem than others for we know truly that Christ died for us all equally. The second is that God would like them to be able to see Him through us and they will not and cannot unless we understand our position in relation to God.

God expects and deserves no less than for us to minister to the world with a respectful heart toward Him.

Now the entire culmanation of a life that holds respect for God in all ways is going to be a life that worships Respectfully.

In worship we are to do just that. We are to realize the greatness of God and spend time specifically acknowledging Him. This means that at all times we are doing it in prayer and communion with Him. Not just during that last accapella verse of Create In Me a Clean Heart. I wonder how we could ever say those words without being in prayer! When in the worship service we are to be acknowledging his greatness, THE WHOLE TIME!
We need to be quiet, respectful and listening when hearing the word or in congregational prayer.
Read Daniel 4: 9-37

As Nebucanezzer realized that he ought to respect God, we all need to realize that we should do the same. Fortunately I can think of no one who had to go through what he had to. You see he had already found out about the greatness of God long previous to the incident in the wilderness. He saw God give Daniel interpretaions and had seen the angel of the Lord come and save the men in the furnace. Yet would not let that knowledge affect his heart.

In the wilderness God humbled him. The end result was Nebucanezzer worshiping God prosrate. I pray that we would have respect for Him like this. I also pray that this would allow us to worship him in this manner without having to go through the drastic measures that God used on Nebucanezzer.

I challenge us all to allow God to humble us and to meet with Him having the greatest of respect.