Friday, February 03, 2006

Death and Taxes

What are the two things they say are for sure?

I bet Cliff Hanna now knows that he should have paid attention to the Proverb.

This from CBC North.

As far as he's concerned, the name James Clifford Hanna is "hearsay" to him. He concludes, his name is the property of, and creation of the Crown, a bankrupt entity, with no real money.

"If you wish to collect debt instruments (Canadian legal tender)... may I suggest you send your invoice and demand for performance to the ministry responsible" in Alberta," Hanna's affidavit reads.

The justice of the peace didn't bite. Now besides losing his case Mr. Hanna has an indelible mark on his file at the CCRA. And that mark is in the Yukon not Alberta.

Can't beat the Taxman.

The whole story here.


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