From the Right Side
As I have mentioned before, I love to engage my brain in the process of creativity. It is one of few things that consistently brings me pleasure.
What I have not mentioned is that it is my new found intention to put some structure into at least one basic post a day. Tuesday's will be specifically for those things that come from the right side of my brain.
Yukon Miner
This particular piece is part of a five piece set, that was sent to close relatives. Each piece depicts a characteristic from one of the provinces or territory that those five relatives reside in. As the title suggests, this depicts what is a very familiar image to those who dwell in the Yukon. In fact the miner is present on our license plate, and quite a stir occurred when there was a suggestion of removing it.
Purposefully this piece went to my brother who dwells in southern B.C. It is my intent that as each one in our family view their piece, they will be reminded to pray for the others in the family.
The next one, next week. From Ontario..... Any guesses what it is?
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