Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dingbats and Dingwalls

Making a curious statement that brings to mind other seemingly straight statements, David Dingbatt wall testified yesterday. In the midst of a glowing report of his own self worth he stops, picks up a pack of Dentyne gum, waves it in the air, and states that when the auditors look at his expenses they will find that taxpayers did not pay for this pack of gum.

Well of course they didn't. That pack of gum was purchased two days ago. The one that we are laughing at him for was purchased earlier. Like when he was still employed by the mint. Even if the pack was the same one, (which would make it mint property, and he should not have it now) he doesn't believe that Mint money is taxpayer money therefore he is again justified. (except for the pending theft of gum charge that would follow.)

This is as sad as the Clinton statement. You know the one with the long pause between the word women and Monica.


Now Dingwall is "ethically entitled to the entitlements owing me." Meaning that He wants severance pay for quitting, even though he and his lawyers were too dumb to write severance into his plush contract.

I wonder if I could be a contentious objector to severance pay for Mint presidents, and therefore direct my taxes away from Mr Dingwall.


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