Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I came back from lunch yesterday to a strange smell. The office at the shop smelled like burning plastic. Since it is a welding shop this may not be as unusual for me as some, but the smell was very strong. After making sure that nothing in the shop was burning, I spent some time looking around the office to see if I could find the source. My search was to no avail. The electric heater was working fine, the fridge was too, and the water cooler was unplugged. All computer related items, and the phones were all ok too. At a loss I opened both doors in order to vent out the horrible smell.

After about 5 minutes the smell did not seem to be dissipating. I started looking a bit more carefully. This is what I found!

One simple lesson. DON'T BUY THE $10 POWER BAR. It was glowing red. I am so thankful that it was after lunch and not 4 hours later. I am so thankful that there was nothing combustible right near the bar.

Praise God.

I will be visiting the retailer where I purchased it tomorrow. I am quite interested in the reaction.


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